Berlin-Brandenburgische Auslandsgesellschaft
(BBAG) e.V.
Berlin-Brandenburgische Auslandsgesellschaft (BBAG) e.V. was founded in 1991. It is a registered association headquartered in Potsdam. Here and within the town of Brandenburg it operates intercultural centers as well as EU information contact points.
BBAG aims to encourage tolerance and understanding among people of different nations. The BBAG is a non-governmental organization, independent of political parties and embraces all beliefs based on democratic values.
BBAG supports life-long and creative learning. It especially advocates integration and actively supports encountering of people from different cultures.
BBAG represents a unique diversity of internationally oriented cultural activities combining political education, further education and consultation in the region Berlin and Brandenburg.
BBAG offers
- Zfurther education both for Germans and foreigners living in our region
- Zinformation and knowledge about other countries
- Zcourses in foreign languages
- Zcivic education for different target groups
- Zinformation, advice and a variety of materials about all questions concerning the European Union
- Zinternational cooperation, international development cooperation
- Zprojects for social and professional integration of disadvantages people
- Zeducational travels and youth exchanges
- Zforeigners a place for advice, for meeting other people, for discussion.
Berlin-Brandenburgische Auslandsgesellschaft
(BBAG) e.V.
(BBAG) e.V.
Schulstraße 8b
D – 14482 Potsdam
Phone: +49 (0)331 270 02 40
Fax: +49 (0)331 270 86 90
Mission statement
(Decision of August 26th, 2020)
The Berlin-Brandenburgische Auslandsgesellschaft was founded in 1991 as a non-profit educational institution on the initiative of committed citizens. With its work, the association wants to contribute to a pluralistic, multicultural and cosmopolitan society in Germany and thus promote social exchange between people regardless of age, gender, origin, religion, worldview or sexual orientation.
The mutual acceptance of different cultural identities and the development of equal cooperation for all people living here is the aim of the association. It regards social diversity in Europe as a cross-sectional task – intercultural, cross-generational and transnational – and advocates a cosmopolitan Europe. The association is committed to fair globalization by ensuring compliance with minimum social and ecological standards and communicating these values in the context of project and educational work. It opposes all forms of discrimination, racism and violence. The association acts in accordance with the Diversity Charter it has signed.
Through its work, the association promotes the social integration of refugees and immigrants and their equal participation in economic, social, political and cultural life. It advises and accompanies people in the development of linguistic, professional and intercultural skills and promotes their ability to act independently.
As an actor in political education, the association places particular emphasis on European political education and global learning. With European exchange and encounter projects and city partnership activities, it contributes to the growing together of Europe.
The association performs its statutory tasks in the public interest and for the common good. In carrying out his tasks in the areas of education, integration and the labour market, it sees himself as a partner and service provider for the various levels of the public sector, actors in the private sector and civil society. He participates actively in the formation of political will in society and acts as a source of inspiration for political actors by imparting knowledge and experience from his work.
The association is a recognized provider of advanced training in the State of Brandenburg, quality-certified according to the learner-oriented quality test in advanced training (LQW), and an approved language course provider of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF). It runs an intercultural education and meeting center in Brandenburg an der Havel and Potsdam and has good access to the people who live there. People with a migration background are a particularly important target group for the association’s educational offers. In addition, the participation of migrants in the life of the association and their integration into the work structures of the association are part of the self-image and the long-term work practice of the Berlin-Brandenburg international company.
The association sees itself as a developing organization in the sense of lifelong learning. It defines successful learning as the acquisition and expansion of intercultural, social, professional and personal skills of his participants in the sense of the above-mentioned goals.
we continue
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